Sunday, January 29, 2006


Home at last, after what seemed like two strait days of travel. The flights home were smooth and arrived early in all ports. We got into Seattle early but after the wait for our baggage and me being detained in customs for having pirated DVDs ( that they did let me keep) (I would advise everyone not to bring them home) I was the last to clear customs from the entire plane and finely got to see my long missed wife and Cedar. Oh ahhh the cool weather and rain, I love it!

Tonight I started sorting my pictures, read Gary’s blogs and sorted out the souvenirs I brought home. Looking at the pictures, the smiles on the faces of the students, hotel staff, Generals, Cols and people, really reinforces to me the impact we made while we were there. So often when we travel we just are specter as our passage goes unnoticed (as maybe it should in most cases) but this trip we made a real positive impact in so many ways. It’s my true wish I am able to duplicate this impact again in the not too distant future. The memories, details of trips and adventures always fade, but this trip will leave a lasting impression. I hope not only on me, but the people we encountered in Cambodia and you the reader of this blog as well.

Thank you for sharing in this adventure with me.


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