Saturday, January 28, 2006

Almost headed home

Four hours ‘til we board the plane to Bangkok. It’s like a Grateful Dead song, “What a long strange trip it’s been.” The tally on the fire was 33 homes lost, but then it stated 55 families lost their homes. Gary has been all over the TV giving an interview at the fire scene. I was on the front page of the paper. This morning when we met the Royal Prince he looked at Gary and said, “I saw you on TV at the fire.” He then asked, “Who is Andy Graham?” He then proceeded to read the article from the paper. Our meeting with the Prince was very good. He is very appreciative of what we are doing for the Cambodian people and our motivation behind it. It was truly an honor to meet with him. Our next visit he wants to arrange for us to meet with the King.

This trip has been a truly wonderful experience. I found the people to be very friendly. A smile always gets you the biggest grin. I never have had any group of students so excited about a class and NEVER have I had students so grateful! It has been such an experience to come to a developing nation and help out so much. Thank all of you for helping me get here and supporting me while I was here with your comments and e-mails.

Some nights I almost had to force myself to write the blog because I was so tired, but it really helped knowing how many people where reading it. It was good to debrief the days’ events as well as get a record of them while it was fresh in my mind. I am really anxious to get back home to Rebecca and Cedar. Only a few more hours ‘til I get to hold them again. Prior to the trip I was a bit nervous about coming. I had no reason to be. Despite the past difficulties in Cambodia, it’s a great place to visit.
Yes, I will be hitting you up for help again for next year’s trip; we have already picked dates the same two weeks in January 2007


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