Monday, March 24, 2008

Hola! ....I mean sin chao!

Just a quickie here because we're headed to the boat.... And I'm not sure what Andy wrote already because I can't get his posts to pull up, so sorry if this is a duplicate...

We spent the day yesterday wearing down the soles of our Chacos on the streets of Saigon. Found a GIANT market (ooooh....lots of goodies, but don't want to lug them around for a week so we'll come back the last day). Had an avocado shake, lots of spring rolls, etc. It's very sticky hot, but not unbearable. Also didn't see too alwfully many tourists until dinner time. Apparently we all congregate for creature comforts at the end of a long day.

Took a nice long cyclo ride with a toothless guide (Andy's driver) and a guy who reports that he was on the roof when the last Americans were airlifted out of Saigon three decades ago, and has a large dimpled scar above his eye where he was shot. He was my cylco driver. FULL of knowledge about the city and sites. Talked 100 miles an hour and I know he was speaking English the whole time but I only got about 30% of it! Went to the War Museum, a gruesome reminder of things past and present, including a whole recent photography exhibit on land mines and demining around the world. Very, very sad doesn't express it all.

Today we are headed on a 3-day boat (& some biking I hope) adventure through the Mekong Delta. Sampans and fast boats. One night with a host family and one night on the boat. Should be fun! Andy continues his quest for pepper salted squid, but so far the best is still to be found in Portland!

I miss Cedar.

Having fun! Will post again when we can!

Reb (& Andy)

1 comment:

Shannonnbend said...

Wow! That sounds like quite the adventure you're embarking on! Can't wait to hear about it! A junk boat? Is it like a trash barge that has rooms you can stay in? Do tell!